Reduce Administrative Burdens and Streamline Reviews

Find the most up to date USDA forms and tools in PrimeroEdge to guide you through the entire review process, resulting in consistent and complete information. Automatically pre-populate data within various forms to reduce redundancies and improve review time. PrimeroEdge provides the solution to help you complete all SNP, SFSP, CACFP and Procurement reviews.


NJ Administrative Reviews
ND Administrative Reviews
AK Administrative Reviews

Key Benefits & Features

  • Real Time Status Updates

  • Calendar Scheduling

  • Browser Based System

  • Mobile Device Friendly

  • 24/7 Data Security

  • Easily Prepare Offsite

  •  Enhanced Communication

  • Offline Capabilities

  • Remote Viewing

  • Improved Accuracy

  • Real Time Status Updates

  • Calendar Scheduling

  • Browser Based System

  • Mobile Device Friendly

  • 24/7 Data Security

  • Easily Prepare Offsite

  •  Enhanced Communication

  • Offline Capabilities

  • Remote Viewing

  • Improved Accuracy

USDA Forms

The most up to date USDA forms and tools are organized in PrimeroEdge to guide the reviewer through the entire process, resulting in consistent and complete information. The software uses configurations of programs and school details from the system with an embedded USDA Fiscal Action Workbook to prepopulate information within various forms. Additionally, the system performs all calculations required to avoid manual errors during the review while still allowing the reviewer to override and/or make edits.  

Electronic Documentation

Managing documentation in the system helps reduce any redundancy in effort as SFAs can complete and submit their Off-site Assessment forms, as well as upload any documents related to the AR (such as Wellness Policies), directly into the system. PrimeroEdge allows users to view administrative review reports, data summary worksheets (FNS 640), and other high-level details directly from the reviews page. 

Letter Templates

State agencies can customize several letter templates such as the Reviews Notification, On-Site Notification, Comprehensive Review, Corrective Action/Fiscal Action, and Results Letter.


Reviewers can schedule their On-Site visits and give state agencies greater oversight in managing accurate state-wide coverage. 

Offsite Preparation

Reviewing data off-site and creating a partner mindset allows for greater focus on technical assistance and training during the on-site portion of the AR. Reviewers are able to dive deeper into possible concerns during observations when time is not consumed reviewing basic data. A greater percentage of time spent in monitoring the program on-site also provides more opportunity to recognize SFA accomplishments and help SFAs to further improve their programs. SFAs are more likely to be receptive to suggestions in a collaborative environment, resulting in higher future performance.


Interaction and collaboration workflows are an integral component within PrimeroEdge. Messaging and automated notifications are sent between Reviewers and SFAs guaranteeing time sensitive information is addressed immediately. SAs can view, print, or email letters as needed to stay on top of their reviews and follow up. Communication is further supported with the ability to create technical assistance records, helping to pinpoint exactly where a reviewer needs clarification and track the assistance they received.

Risk Analysis/ Calculation

PrimeroEdge performs all calculations required to avoid manual errors during the review while still allowing the reviewer to override and/or make edits. SFAs that are deemed to be “high risk” are identified through the Resource Management Risk Indicator Tool


Each review in the system displays a tracking bar to show completion status, offering SFAs quick insights on the progress of their AR to help reviewers stay informed and motivated to finish.

Corrective Action

SFAs can submit corrective action plans online and upload supporting documentation for state agencies. Individual form questions can also be pre-configured to flag for corrective action based on how the SFA responds to each question.

Fiscal Action 

USDA-provided and established tools, such as the 640-Data Summary and Fiscal Action Workbook are integrated/embedded directly within the solution to eliminate the need for manual entry and provide one-click generation. Fiscal Action is calculated automatically while providing the ability for state agency reviewers to override and/or make edits.


Reports are automatically compiled for SFAs greatly reducing the effort for reviewers while decreasing turn-around time. All reports in PrimeroEdge can be exported into a wide range of formats.

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